Senin, 08 Juli 2013


Assalamualikum .....

1.Sahasrara chakras (crown chakra or gateway of spiritual energy )
Sahasrara chakra located at the crown of the head. This chakra can continue to grow if the energy flowing Metaphysical Spiritual and Metaphysical Energy Meditation 5 Elements of the Universe (The Elements Fire, water, earth, wood, metal), and the energy of the chakra Kundalini (Shaktiphat /Mooladhara).

We can deliver this energy through the chakras of Kundalini  through the way of Sushumna, Ida pulse and Pingala pulse.This is the nature of the Sahasrara chakra has a spiritual energy that is higher than the other five major chakra (Ajna chakra apart) and have 5 elements energy slightly lower. Therefore, the energy of this chakra Sahasrara is cold and rich with spiritual energy. Sahasrara chakra is useful as an entry gate Spiritual energy that has been obtained from Outer Body chakra Chi Shing. In the process of chakra balancing, chakra energy chakra can be balanced with Kundalini

Ajna chakras (third eye chakra or sixth sense and spiritual chakras in the human body)
Ajna Chakra is situated in the middle between left and right eye brow. Ajna chakra can continue to thrive if raised and kept the energy flowing Metaphysical Spiritual and Metaphysical Energy Meditation 5 Elements of the Universe (Fire element, water, soil, wood, metal) and Shaktiphat energy of Kundalini chakra (Mooladhara).The Ajna chakra has a Spiritual energy is higher than the other six major chakras, and also higher than the Sahasrara chakra. Ajna chakra is the chakra Spiritual in the human body and has a 5 element energy of the Universe are a bit low so the Ajna chakra energy is more dominant in the spiritual generation. In the process of chakra balancing, chakra is Ajna chakra can be balanced with both front and rear (front and rear parts of the brain left and right).


3.ordination chakras (throat chakra)
Ordination chakra located in the throat. This chakra can continue to thrive if raised and chakra energy is constantly flowing energy Meditation Metaphysical Spiritual and Metaphysical 5 Elements of the Universe and the energy of the chakra Kundalini Shaktiphat (Mooladhara).Ordination chakra nature is to have a fairly balanced Spiritual energy. This chakra is also a bit more balanced than the chakras and Sahasrara Ajna chakra is the chakra as chakra balancing ordination of passions contained in Svadhistana chakras on the human body. Chakra energy ordination has 5 Elements of the Universe is quite balanced so that ordination is a chakra energy regulator (regulator) the balance of the human body passions. In the process of energy balance, chakra energy ordination can be balanced with Svadhistana.


4.Anahata chakras (heart chakra)
Anahata Chakra present in the human heart. Chakra balancing is a mover and a human heartbeat and blood moving in and out either through the right ventricle and the left ventricle and the right atrium and left through. Anahata Chakra also controls the blood vessels in the heart and throughout the body.Anahata chakra can continue to arise and thrive when this chakra and spiritual energy flowing energy of the Universe and the 5 Elements of Chakra Kundalini energy Shaktiphat (Mooladhara).Anahata chakra has a balance in energy, especially energy and energy Spiritual 5 Elements of the Universe. This chakra acts as a counterweight to the power and process energy balance on chakra, Anahata chakra can balance the power of the greatest endurance that comes from the chakra Manipura (Navel Chakra).

Manipura chakras (navel chakra)
Manipura chakra is located in the human navel. This chakra is the core strength of human endurance are the largest.Manipura chakra can coordinate all the activities of the human digestive tract system. Therefore, Manipura chakra is the core driver of the digestive organs, such as the large intestine, small intestine, small intestine, colon 12 fingers, appendix, kidneys, and stomach. This chakra is pure energy balance has been obtained from the gastrointestinal tract.Manipura chakra can continue to evolve and active when fed Spiritual energy and energy of the Universe and the 5 Elements of Chakra Kundalini energy Shaktiphat (Mooladhara). This chakra has a good balance between Spiritual energy and energy 4 Elements of the Universe so that this chakra is the energy balance of the digestive tract. In the process of energy balance chakras, chakra Manipura Anahata chakra can be balanced with.

Svadhistana chakras  (chakra Chakra Sex or genitals)

 Svadhistana chakra lies in the human penis. This chakra has the energy balance and energy Spiritual Universe 5 Elements of a fairly balanced and aligned. However, imbalances can occur if the chakra Svadhis-tana the maximum rise is not offset by the chakra ordination so that human desires can not be controlled.Svadhistana Chakra serves as a distributed control urine from the kidney and urinary levels of the balance of toxins such as creatinine and urium. In addition, this chakra balancing hormones and sperm and ovum insulin and adrenaline-which if not balanced can cause decreased blood sugar and glucose levels are rising or settles (blood sugar).This chakra can continue to evolve and active if this chakra and spiritual energy flowing energy of the Universe and the 5 Elements of Chakra Kundalini energy Shaktiphat (Mooladhara).


7.Mooladhara Chakras (kundalini chakra or base chakra)
Mooladhara Chakra (Kundalini) contained bones at the base of the tail. This chakra is at the core of the initial core development resurrection other chakras. Mooladhara chakra awakening (Kundalini) is a very powerful revival because it can generate other chakras in the human entire body chakra, seventh chakra others, track Sushumna, Ida nadi and Pingala nadi. Because they have the energy reserves (spare energy) is higher than the other chakras, chakra Mooladhara have the privilege, this chakra can only lead to the entire chakra which is located on the chakra's body.Spiritual Energy, 5 Elements Energy of the Universe, Shaktiphat energy, and energy reserves in this chakra greatly maximal and very balanced so it can serve as a counterweight and aligning all the energy in the human body.

This chakra balancing and regulating properties that exist in every human body, such as:As balancing and regulating major organs in the body, such as the five Yin organs (heart, lungs, spleen, kidneys, and liver) and five Yang organs (colon, small intestine, colon 12 fingers, appendix, and stomach)As a regulator of the body's energyAs a regulator of the body's hormonesAs a regulator of blood circulation, water, dietary fiber, and nutrients in the body.

Kundalini Reiki 

Kundalini Reiki, developed by Olle Gabrielson through the process for years. Based on the results of the channeling Master of Kundalini meditation. The flow consists of 9 levels. This flow can claim safely awaken kundalini, kundalini generation is given at level 2.Kundalini Reiki is a technique utilization of body energy (kundalini) and outside the body energy (reiki) intended for a specific purpose such as healing, improve the quality and quantity of aura, beauty, protection, manifestation of desires, etc.Kundalini is an energy that will never run out that there is in every human being, while Reiki is an intelligent energy that comes from higher dimensions, blend 2 incredible energy make this method attracted many people especially those who are in need of alternative healing or metaphysical practitioners.Kundalini Reiki is a method of efficient use of energy is a very simple but powerful, does not require a high concentration, breathing exercises, exercises debilitating moves, spells and other mystic things. Kundalini Reiki is very simple in use because it does not use symbols.Kundalini Reiki Master was invented by Ole Gabrielsen from Denmark and has spread throughout the world. To learn Kundalini Reiki, you simply received attunements (energy alignment) of the Master about 30 minutes and you can instantly use Kundalini Reiki for various purposes.In the application, you simply intend only to access the KR energy for certain purposes .. eg: "I access and channel your energy to heal headaches KR me now".You can also use your energy to heal the KR who are far away from where you live, quite intend it, for example: "KR terkirimlah energy to Mother Earth Muslimah in Panyileukan, Bandung .. hopefully cured of his illness flu quickly and perfectly "By studying Kundalini Reiki, you can heal yourself and others naturally, without drugs. Healing you can do include physical healing (all sorts of physical illness), mental (trauma, etc.), emotional (revenge, anger, etc.), as well as spiritual.You will also be taught how to clean your house of negative energy, so that you and your family will feel more comfortable, and healthy.In addition, you will also be taught how to teach Kundalini Reiki to others. So you can spread the Kundalini Reiki to family, friends, the closest that they can heal themselves ..And as is the tradition in general kundalini reiki, reiki energy than gets attunment participating practitioners on attunment Kundalini Shaktipat Kundalini Reiki level 2.Highly recommended for those who experience kundalini syndrome to follow attunment kundalini reiki.Additional attunements are packaged in attunement to level 3DIAMOND REIKI  - When using this technique, it is a crystal (diamond) will be in the etheric crown chakra practitioners, and strengthen the quality of the distribution of Reiki practitioners.Crystalline Reiki (Reiki Crystals) - Throughout our body there is a certain amount of small crystals, this is the way out for the trauma that we have experienced throughout life. Every time we fail to get things done trauma, a crystal is formed. This example is a trauma such as a broken arm bones, sprains, sadness and so on. For example, if someone hands it fractures the crystal grain formed to be the memory of the pain and the feeling of trauma. Through this method of drainage reiki crystals will melt and be healed.DNA REIKI - Strengthens the ability to heal / repair DNA quality. Examples hereditary diseases such as Asthma & etc..BIRTH TRAUMA REIKI  - One form of trauma is the trauma of the birth process. This may occur due to the difficult delivery as baby is breech, premature, tangled umbilical cord and so on. Impression than the incident may result in the person experiencing trauma such as fear of the dark or something, and so on. This trauma can be removed gently with this techniqueLOCATION REIKI  - This technique is used to align the "Carmic Band" among men with a place full of negative energy that interfere with human health. By the location reiki techniques used to neutralize the negative energy.BALANCE REIKI (Reiki BALANCING) - This technique is used to steady the entire energy system of the body.Kundalini Reiki levels:1. Kundalini Reiki 1: The first attunement opens the healing channels to channel Reiki energy. In this stage, you are prepared for the Kundalini awakening in Kundalini Reiki 2. Crown chakra, the heart chakra and the chakra is opened or reinforced palms. You learn to do a thorough and perfect healing, and do distance healing. Commensurate with Kundalini Reiki 1 Usui Reiki 1-2-3 attunements.2. Kundalini Reiki 2: The Reiki Path strengthened. Kundalini awakens in which the main energy pathways open slowly and surely, flame "fire" Kundalini reaches a minimum Solar Plexus chakra, preparing for the full Kundalini rising in Kundalini Reiki 3. You also learn specific meditation. When you do this meditation, you increase strength in a short time on a flame or fire kundalini kundalini energy. At this stage, all the chakras or energy systems to clean and active. (Minimum 2 days after Kundalini Reiki 1).3. Kundalini Reiki 3 (Kundalini Reiki Master): As previously attunement. Strengthen and open the Throat Chakra, Solar Plexus, Hara and Basic Chakra. "Fire" kundalini become stronger and reach up and out through the crown chakra-kundalini rising in full. You also learn to give attunement crystal and other objects, so they are hard-wired as a Reiki channel. Includes extra attunement: 1. balance. 2. diamond reiki. 3. crystalline reiki. 4. DNA reiki. 5. birth trauma reiki. 6. location reiki. 7. past life reiki. You also learn to give Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3 attunements. (Minimum 10 days after Kundalini Reiki 2).4. Kundalini Reiki Booster 1-2-3 (Kundalini Reiki 4-5-6) receiving attunements strengthens earlier, at each stage of brackish-all the chakras, channels / main energy pathways and energy pathways to hand widened and strengthened. After Kundalini Reiki Booster 3, your power to channel Reiki will increase by about 100%, you also have to give Kundalini Reiki Booster 1-2-3 attunements to others.5. Kundalini Reiki Booster 4-5-6 (Kundalini Reiki 7-8-9) receiving attunements strengthens earlier, at each stage of brackish-all the chakras, channels / main energy pathways and energy pathways to hand widened and strengthened. After Kundalini Reiki Booster 3, your power to channel Reiki will increase by about 300%, you also have to give Kundalini Reiki Booster 1-2-3 attunements to others.(Each about 25 minutes MEDITATION done).

From Various Sources

On this seasion we were planning to open a program such as :
Opening chakras program, Auras and  its specially Pure Energi of Kundalini and Charging Pure Wisdom Energi...
And its has been open for you all..does not matter any religion you are all is same, aiming to teach kindness to all human beings and compassion for all creature in the universe. 
for those interested and intend to open the chakras, Kundalini Reiki Atunement ( Only 1-3 ) and charging multi-function energy please contact +6289652792664 or send your petition email to transferilmubatin@gmail.comfor dowry and the administration, please contact the number above for further information OR CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE

best wishes for all... 


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